Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dec. 9 2010: Critical Responses to Maclean's "Too Asian" bullshit

On November 10, 2010 Maclean's published an article originally titled "Too Asian?". The article is terribly racist, suggesting there is an "Asian" take over of Canadian Campuses, creating hardship for upper class white students who want to have a party experience at university and are faced with "Asian" students who want to study all the time, and not have any fun creating an uncomfortable environment of "segregation". The article implies that all "Asian" students are also new immigrants to Canada, or international students, erasing Canada's immigration history. Maclean's should be extremely embarrassed to have this article exist with their name attached to it. Unfortunately they don't seem embarrassed, and instead issued another article 'explaining" their original article, which didn't seem to explain anything at all... but instead introduce some other ridiculous arguments.

This episode of These that People Make featured a youth tube video created by the Youth Coalition against Maclean's "Too Asian and a radio documentary response created by Spitfiyah (CKUT's Women of Colour focused show) in response to the article. Give it a listen:

Criticism to this article and its sentiments continue in full force.

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