Friday, March 4, 2011

March 3 2011: Amy Leigh's Twelveohtwo

All of a sudden time just passes. All of a sudden its not 2004 anymore, its not 2002 anymore and we have all this stuff to reflect on because things actually have changed. When I moved to Toronto I decided to finally go through these cardboard boxes of paper that i had been moving from house to house to house over the last 4 years, that I hadn't opened, I had just kept moving these closed boxes of paper from house to house. As I side note: I've kept every journal I've ever written in, based on advice from the best drawing teacher I've ever had, Adrian Norvid. I keep all those Journals in my closet.

So when I moved into my current home in Toronto last September, I sat on the floor and I listened to the radio and I opened all the cardboard boxes of paper. Among lots of scratchy drawings, embarrassing poems, receipts and letters from friends, I found these gorgeous screen printed posters for events that happened in 2002 and 2003 in Montreal, at a time when extravagant screen printed posters for events were the norm. Posters for art shows, for music shows and zine fairs. I put the posters on my wall in my new bedroom in Toronto. I realized that at that time, in 2002, I took that time of phenomenal art for granted. I thought that I would walk down all the streets of the world, and always be able to be surrounded by amazing and inspiring posters. And now I know better.

Amy Leigh has had her zine distro, TwelveOhTwo, for the past seven years. We're in a different time for zines now, then when she started the distro. Its a new era. Zines are not dead. Far from it. And theres something extremely cool, and valuable about doing the thing you do, through trends, and through changes in technology, and different political times.

It was lovely to have Amy Leigh over to my house and ask her questions about her distro, about the priorities for her distro, projects that inspire her from elsewhere, and Amy's reflections about building community, and organizing and also hear Amy Leigh's thoughts/critiques on Canzine and Broken Pencil. She's a lovely, hard working smart person.

to listen to this interview, paste this address in your browser:

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